adding lazy loading can provide perfomance benefits
HaUFR updated
6 years ago
If there is no javascript, is it possible to load image that are normally lazy loaded ?
Usually there is a `data-*src` attribute.
Another case : some images are references as `style="background-image…
Wrap dependencies of dependency in proxy objects that instanciate its dependency on call.
# Related pull requests
# Details
Some large I18N resources like scenario(`scene{1,2}.hsp`), game help(`manual_{JP,EN}.txt`), Norne's guide(`exhelp.txt`) are rarely used. Thus, they are…
Kotlin JPA를 사용하기 위해서는 Gradle에 별도의 설정을 해주어야하는데, 현재 관련 설정이 빠져있어서 LAZY LOADING이 걸리지 않고있다. (유사 레이지 로딩;;)
N+1의 이유가 이거인거같다.
To prevent the Repeater or Easy Post from causing an overdose of data load in the editor and in the front-end page, I think it would be great to have lazy loading as an option.
I am new in angular I want to know is it support for lazy loading when expand any node with child items
Thanks for your effort that make it
Right now there are only a few apps, but once that number grows past about 12 or 15, it will get unwieldy and they will need to be lazy loaded.
After doing some very simple benchmarks, it seems the jumpbox is responsible for around 10ms (with ~40 forums) to generate it. It can't be cached, as it's per-user.
How about loading it through AJAX?