**Describe the bug**
In your test site https://ffmpegwasm.netlify.app/ the demo stucks at "Loading ffmpeg.wasm-core, may take few minutes".
It only happens on my phone, I have Chrome 94+
**To Rep…
现象:netlify 似乎国内访问有点慢。
这个 repo 是纯静态的,应该直接用 github 的服务器就好了,不需要转一层 netlify?
Netlify (which we use for hosting the main site already) has a CMS for static sites https://www.netlifycms.org/
Managing content has been a pain point - github is too technical and other solutions …
# Bookdown project template
## Configuration
### `_bookdown.yml`
book_filename: "test-book"
delete_merged_file: true
chapter_name: "Chapter "
Our book also …
# Use Nim on Netlify
# 绘制 "火焰图" 总结
## Describe the current behavior in detail
Checked on https://preview.portalbridge.com/0a16bf3ef2/.
1. Open Resume transaction screen
2. Open Console
3. Search transaction by hash `3oia…
## Describe the current behavior in detail
Issue is reproducible on [Netlify](https://wormhole-connect-mainnet.netlify.app/?config=N4KABGCmB2BuBcYDkBbAhgS2tSAXJANOGAK4DOkASpACaRkYDm0iuATiZERGwPYm56iA…
what to do with this pages?