When running a Toast site on Netlify (and potentially other providers) sometimes NPM is not run, which means the postinstall lifecycle is not run, which means the binary that was downloaded doesn't ge…
Hi Jim,
I have tried connecting up the form on ```page.contact.sevlte``` following this [video](https://youtu.be/6ElQ689HRcY) to Netlify's in-built form submission but get the following error when i …
### Steps to reproduce
On https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/preventDefault, all function references have `()`, this seems to be clearer when reading the docs.
For example:
**Describe the bug**
In your test site https://ffmpegwasm.netlify.app/ the demo stucks at "Loading ffmpeg.wasm-core, may take few minutes".
It only happens on my phone, I have Chrome 94+
**To Rep…
现象:netlify 似乎国内访问有点慢。
这个 repo 是纯静态的,应该直接用 github 的服务器就好了,不需要转一层 netlify?
Netlify (which we use for hosting the main site already) has a CMS for static sites https://www.netlifycms.org/
Managing content has been a pain point - github is too technical and other solutions …
# Bookdown project template
## Configuration
### `_bookdown.yml`
book_filename: "test-book"
delete_merged_file: true
chapter_name: "Chapter "
Our book also …
# Use Nim on Netlify
I could not make the react animation work
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { createHighlighter, type HighlighterCore } from "shiki";
import { ShikiMagicMo…