I'm currently trying to add this plugin with Webpack. I have no errors on build but there is no change on output css.
module.exports = {
plugins: {
Using spec page bundled with react-toolbox.
Before upgrading postcss:
![2017-05-15-21 49 05-screenshot](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/6838982/26060790/aebf7866-39b8-11e7-84b0-5d409ca3…
Hey preactjs team! I was super excited to find this project, and wanted to start by thanking you for all of your effort.
I saw that Sass support was added [a few months back](https://github.com/pre…
I know sass is currently using dart-sass which supports "@use": https://sass-lang.com/documentation/at-rules/use
Here is my rollup configuration:
plugins: [autoprefixer()],
After updating to `"gatsby-plugin-material-ui": "^3.0.0"` I've got the same issue as #65.
Installed packages:
- browserslist: 4.16.3
- autoprefixer: 10.2.5
- postcss: 8.2.9
- postcss-value-pars…
Hi. I'm using sl-vue-tree, installed by npm. (1.8.4 version) And thanks for your component.
As I write below in main.js, webpack build error occured.
import Vue from 'vue'
import 'babel-po…
page 使用 styl写样式,但代码补全与 rpx 转换都无效,请问是配置有问题还是不支持相应配置,谢谢。
compilers: {
postcss: {
plugins: [
我前段时间使用vite + vue3 + vant4 + postcss-px-to-viewport 根据example-with-postcss-px-to-viewport-vue中的配置,是生效的。这个有一个老的vue2项目,我根据example都试了一编,都没生效,不知道怎么回事
It seems like [PostCSS has an official Deno package](https://deno.land/x/postcss@8.2.0), but it is currently [lacking Typescript support](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-deno/issues/1). We could do…