I tried adding a badge to the RAMAnimatedTabBarItem and it is offset. Instead of sticking to the right it sticks to the left. Furthermore, it appears BEHIND the icon.
I am a little confused by your code.
In `AppDelegate.m` , after line 40, some code like :
ViewController *mainframeViewController = ({
ViewController *mainframeViewController = [[V…
there doesnt seem to be any prop for it in the TabBarIOS or in Icon.TabBarItem
just to be clear im talking about the color if the icons in the tab bar while they arent selected
I got warning in console but everything in simulator works fine.
Warning: Failed propType: Invalid prop `icon` of type `string` supplied to `RCTTabBarItem`, expected `object`.
My codes:
JSON value 'black' of type NSString cannot be converted to NSNumberreactConsoleError
4ExceptionsManager.js:87 The tab bar icon '(null)' did not match any known image or system icon
the second set of…
I have a line in each of my view controllers to set the tab bar image. This is fine, but only works once you've clicked the tab. Is there anyway to load the images with the tab bar controller so they …
I am not even sure this is possible, but is there any chance that this could be expanded to be used on a tab bar item? Thanks!
For example, I have
``` js
let style = {
tabbacking: {
backgroundColor: '#25383C',
tabbaritem: {
color: '#818181',
textAlign: 'center',
'&.selected': …
My project is using TLYShyNavBar on multiple ViewControllers, mostly collectionview vc's, but also a uiwebview vc. Using an extensionview (inflated from custom view) in all cases. Through version 0.…
I'm not even sure how to classify this however, I'll just provide the details and you can update the title to reflect accordingly as I honestly don't know.
When converting a TableView Function numbe…