### Observed behaviour
The auto-pilot becomes very slow > 135 Km from the target station as well as > 110 Km from the surface (coming at an angle). The doesn't make any sense to m…
Trying to run the hy2Foam bluntedCone and cylinderReacting cases. Running it on Windows using the Windows Subsystem for Linux with Ubuntu.
I modified the Allrun scripts decompose and run on multip…
Dear seekr2 team,
I'm reading the assumptions of milestoning theory [here](https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.2996509?cookieSet=1).
This paper, as expected, is a bit math/stat oriented, thus I …
The output that comes out of GROMACS or LAMMPS (or CHARMM/AMBER) is going to be
* trajectory file (a time series of coordinates)
* observables files, where observables are things like energy, volu…
Chen R T Q, Rubanova Y, Bettencourt J, et al. [Neural ordinary differential equations](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2018/file/69386f6bb1dfed68692a24c8686939b9-Paper.pdf).
I have created a package named [VaspGibbs](https://github.com/ftherrien/VaspGibbs) to simplify the process of getting Gibbs free energy from [VASP](https://www.vasp.at/) calculations. The physi…
**Describe the bug**
I am looking at my Roku channel wondering "why is there missing media?"
I am looking at the program id 74478. It has 18 videos. https://conspyre.tv/program/74478
I am looki…
Here's an in-progress mwe for tracking down allocations for the equil-moist jobs:
import ClimaCore: Fields, Spaces, Topologies, Meshes, Domains, Geometry, Operators
import CLIMAParamet…
I'm looking at the implementation of strocnxT, strocnyT in CICE. This is defined as the ice/ocn stress on the T grid and is something that is passed out of the model for coupling. It is computed by…