Page: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/files/browse/440201/file/files/foreground.js
- Search for "tw" finds "fon**t-w**eight";
- search for "font-w" highlights "font-wei";
- search for "t-w" …
**Symfony FOSUserBundle versions**: 3.0
components/jquery 3.6.0 jQuery JavaScript Library
composer/installers v2.2.0 A multi-framework Composer libra…
I don't know if you are aware, but we are basically writing the same open-source project, Twig for Rust.
The end result is going to look a bit weird - two Twig engines for Rust!
I am creating…
Atom is the most wonderful editor I've ever encountered. I'm using Phalcon Framework in my projects and I find Volt Language is more convenient than PHTML.
Can you please support Volt language for dev…
Summary: explain the pros/cons, speed and other differences between the choices we have.
When I first looked at zend expressive I was impressed but confused, It looked nice, but I didn't know what …
We need to be able to modify Twig templates from within the ACP, rather than requiring file-system access.
When I try to generate a style guide using a twig builder, it errors out looking for an index.hbs file. What am I doing wrong?
**KSS Version:** 3.0.0-beta.18
**Directory Structure:**
Hi there,
Happy to see this extension! I write HTML using Pug, though, so it would be great if Pug were supported.
### What happened?
### Description
What should I do with these deprecation warnings?
One is coming from the Craft CMS vendor folder and the other ones from a vendor file used in Craft Commerce.
### Ubuntu 18.04 after upgrade to pma 5.2 -- With Blowfish key included Warning Persists
#### The configuration file needs a valid key for cookie encryption...
**I have included** `$cfg['blowfis…