`A natural solution of this problem is to remove the…
We're currently working mainly with [Medicare Part D claims & spending data](https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Prescription-Drug-Coverage/PrescriptionDrugCovGenIn/PartDData.html), which is informative on i…
**Submitting author:** @MatthewCaseres (Matthew Caseres)
**Repository:** https://github.com/actuarialopensource/benchmarks
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch):
**Version:** NA
interesting relationship
Stata manual has a description and example how to estimate PHReg with a Poisson model in the ststcox.pdf
This needs stsplit to get repeated observations for each individual…
Moving https://github.com/open-source-economics/taxdata/issues/153 here: are benefits in taxcalc's new CPS data intended to be the value of the benefit received, or its effective cost by including adm…
# How to determine the correct payer_plan_period.plan_concept_id to map to based on information in the source
## CDM or THEMIS convention?
## Table or Field level?
## Is this a general…
I touch the thumbnail to see the photo, and I scroll left/right.
After several times (about 10), it receives memory warning.
Continue to scroll and it crashes.
My photo is about 2M+ and has a size of …
comparing hessian in GLM with hessian of Probit, the agreement is not very high
Are there numerical problems in the numerical second derivatives of the link function?
>>> hess_glm_probit = res_g…
Buddana, Amrutha, and Tomasz J. Kozubowski. 2014. “Discrete Pareto Distributions.” Economic Quality Control 29 (2): 143…