Got this NPE
at org.eclipse.fx.ide.pde.core.JavaFXClassPathExtender.findVMForEnv(JavaFXClassPathExtender.java:48)
at org.eclipse.fx.ide.pde.core.JavaF…
# 过去的2015
过去的2015 心态变化了许多,变得乐于与人相互学习,乐于相互分享技术。 以前我都清楚,但是一直未做什么事情。还好端正了态度, 分享的过程中其实是自己对所学的巩固与加深。 如果不分享,你将失去更多,如果你喜欢看源代码(比如:android,jdk, groovy等等),如果你看了又不笔记,又不用过一段时间准忘掉 (ps: 其实android 源代码里有许多值得学习的地方,不过…
BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper 实例 中也与这个日志
DataBindingAdapter extends BaseQuickAdapter
W/System.err: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Nati…
- Start Date: 2018-05-18
- RFC PR: (leave this empty)
- ReactiveUI Issue: (leave this empty)
# Improving list-based databinding, documentation and standardising (mobile) platforms
## Summary
A new clearer plan for the next releases. Please follow the wiki page [Migrations](wiki/Migrations) for all braking changes, between those releases.
Here, the main points of [**rc1**](../milestone/…
So up to now, we have been saying that we want another databinding sample with network connection. Let's discuss the details of it.
-Are we using NewsApi ?
-How do we deal with network request? Retr…
I got this error after updating to parceler 1.1.11, while it is working fine on parceler 1.1.6
Android gradle plugin : 3.1.2
Kotlin: 1.2.40
androidSupport : 27.1.1
Databinding compile…
Our team has been using Epoxy now for a few months, but noticed that you can also use it for static content. We first want to address our Login page. It's currently a scrollView with a linear layout, …
# Custom Calendar 구현
## 1. UI
![calendar activity](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/55014424/89315732-2caabb80-d6b6-11ea-945e-e00bb7ed40d2.jpg)
위 캘린더에 나와있는 정보는 지도 상에서 마커로 기록해놓은 정보를 …
I saw previous reports of this exception, but I have tried many combinations of eclipse, erlang otp versions, subclipse/subversive and erlide and all have given the same problem.
Basically i…