For model training and testing, the accept label is in 1 dimension: [H, W].
But for ADE20k, in both old and new version, the label is in RGB format.
Also, I look up at the tools/convert_datasets/*…
Here is the results for two images, ADE_val_00001977.png and ADE_val_00000041.png. Any suggestions?
c:\ademxapp>python issegm/voc.py --data-root data\ade20k --output output --phase val --weight mo…
Hi, I can not find the reported GFlops on the paper about the model Vit-Adapter-L (Mask2former/Beit v2/crop size 896), can you tell me the relevant data or the method to calculate it. Thanks a lot!
Hello I am trying to reproduce UNITE on the ADE20K dataset, but after training up to about 3 epochs, the learned correspondences start to converge to constant. May I ask if this is as expected? Will i…
Thanks for useful repository!
I'm trying to train PSPNet from scratch using ade20k dataset.
It works by changing train.py like this:
DATA_DIRECTORY = '../data/ADEChallengeData2016/'
ggw@vip-workstation1:~/guoanXu/awesome/core/data/downloader$ python ade20k.py --download-dir ../datasets/citys
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ade20k.py", line 51, in
This error coming while running eval_seg_model on ade20k. How to resolve this error.
eval command used: python eval_seg_model.py --path img1.jpg --weight_url l1.pt --dataset ade20k --crop_size 1024 …
/home/aa/miniconda3/envs/efficientvit/bin/python3.10 /home/aa/efficientvit-master/eval_seg_model.py --dataset ade20k --crop_size 512 --model l1 --path /dataset/ade20k/images/validation
Eval l1 on ad…
I am trying to generate mIOU for deeplabv3plus_mobilenet_edgetpuv2_m on ADE20k 32 classes dataset, howeve…