I tried running the codes in the example but I am always getting **assertion failed**. I have also edited the variables to their values which have been used in the paper, but I am not able to s…
Thanks for sharing this inspiring work!
I noticed in "get_params_list_with_shape" function, "idx += length" is not added. Without this, it seems like $\mu_i$ and $s$ may not be correctly assigned f…
I had accidentally made my problem poorly-posed by introducing a constraint that added a row of all zeros to my A matrix
(So, one constraint was basically `l
The optimization method is inconsistent with the original paper, could you please provide the source of the paper for this method? Thank you
Hi, Thank you for approaching me efficient pruning method.
I implemented 1 of 2 pruning steps(Training & Masked retraining). While I train with train.py, 4 batch size, and 25 epoch, It implements 0…
In several solvers, sparse matrix is used to implement the finite difference operator as
len_y = len(self.y)
data = np.array([np.ones(len_y), -np.ones(len_y)])
diags = np.array([0, 1])
D = sp…
After indexing change negative generation for NeuroMF got a bug.
Before: negatives were sampled from [0, num_items) uniform distribution; for now it is from [0, max_item + 1) distribution.
Ids wer…
your project focus on CNN model compression. but I'm intersted in NLP and other transformer. I have a question that your model compession technique also apply on NLP and other transformer?. if you sen…
Implement proper termination criterion (either with projection before starting iterating or with two criterions according to original ALADIN paper))
The model cannot be download form the link: 'https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FFuauq-PUjY_kG3iiiHfDpHcG4Srl8mQ/view?usp=sharing' in the code 'pnp_admm_example.ipynb'.
There is a connect error: