我想用HICO数据集重新训练ResNet50 - dcn网络(人体关键点136个)。
但是当我运行python /data/open_mmlab/frames/AlphaPose/scripts/train.py --cfg /data/open_mmlab/frames/AlphaPose/configs/halpe_136/resnet/256x192_res50_lr1e-…
if it is not modified it will be reported SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/software_311/Mo/AlphaPose-pytorch/train_sppe/src/train.py", line 14, in
Jusec updated
3 years ago
When I ran the code, everything was ok but there was a problem. I don't know how to solve it.
pytorch version is 1.1.0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./scripts/demo_inference.py"…
I have installed the requirements of the project and here is my cuda information.
cuda library version 9000
cuDNN lib version 7301
Any suggestion is appreciated.
Is there a guide for using the ssd format for the detection part?
when I run the demo.py , the class DetectionLoder cannot return the right answer,
(Pdb) data_loader.Q.empty()
(Pdb) n…
I'm trying to use a tracker on the google colab example, but I keep getting errors.
When I run this script: !python3 scripts/demo_inference.py --cfg configs/coco/resnet/256x192_res50_lr1e-3_1x.yaml -…
Dear Ning,
I hope you all well. I recently read your article on badminton player pose estimation and found it very informative. In fact, I have been working on a similar project and have been using…
Thank you for your work. I have a questions about json data which are in pose/training/tracked_person.
For example, 08_027_alphapose_tracked_person.json
The abstract of this structure is as follows
Hi all,
I'm interested in using AlphaPose as a baseline for my group's project. Does anyone have pre-built docker image or an up-to-date Dockerfile to facilitate running AlphaPose? I've been runnin…