In addition to mesh formats supported natively by ROS (STL, Collada, OGRE .mesh), support for loading geometry from STEP files is needed.
For Milestone 1, this support will be limited to loading all …
found with an AP242 file.
Test files in commit ~~dd025b5a6ab857b~~ 5b17ec2f421d
Using this schema, a subset of 242:
SCHEMA array_bounds_from_fn;
TYPE ypr_rotation = ARRAY [ypr_index(yaw) : ypr_index(roll)]
OF plane_angle_measure;
TYPE plane_angle…
On master, [this small schema](http://github.com/mpictor/StepClassLibrary/blob/mp/gcc_incomplete_type/test/unitary_schemas/gcc_incomplete_type.exp) produces compiler errors such as:
In file included…
I think the following errors all have the same cause (an entity has the same name as an enum value). If so, this is related to #71, Redeclaration of XXX.
$ bin/fedex_plus ../data/cd242/242_n2813_mim…
**edit:** this was split into two issues - see also #151
Using [part409cdts_wg3n2617mim_lf.exp](http://github.com/mpictor/StepClassLibrary/blob/master/data/cd209/part409cdts_wg3n2617mim_lf.exp), and …
From Tom Thurman:
-incorrect handling of enumerations; enum identifiers are being mixed in symbol table (sic) with entity identifiers.
5721 Redeclaration of line. Previous declaration was on line 20…
From Tom Thurman:
-incorrect handling of GENERICS; part 11 does not require a variable defined in a LOCAL to have a type label.
37293 Return type or local variable requires type label in 'validate…