I think with https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint/pull/1540, we are now hitting Functor law hints more than before.
As an example, I was just prompted to change some code from:
`Applicative (Forget a)` (and the rest of the instances) should be derived via `Star (Const a)`
In Stackage Nightly:
Building executable 'mallard' for mallard-
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( app/Mallard.hs, dist/build/mallard/mallard-tmp/Main.o )
app/Mallard.hs:21:1: …
The script failed to build with this output via `stack install typed-wire` on Ubuntu 16. I then cloned the source and built via `stack build && stack install typed-wire` with no issues.
It seems to…
The merge tactic types (`WhenMissing f a b` and `WhenMatched f a b c`) implement a number of type classes (`Category`, `Monad`, `Applicative`, and `Functor`). All of these instances except for `Functo…
**Versions** (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
2.2.0, running on VMs
**Describe the issue**:
Hi ,
I push all applicative logs on 3 Opensearch nodes
Everything is working…
Chapter 6 has it that:
> Applicative extends Semigroupal and Functor. It provides a way
of applying functions to parameters within a context. Applicative is
the source of the pure method we intro…
Unfortunately installation of cardano-sl with regard to [Stack with Nix for system libraries (mixed mode)](https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-sl/blob/develop/docs/how-to/build-cardano-sl-and-d…
As seen in the Scastie below, the compiler fails to summon an instance of `Applicative` for `ZIO[Any, E, *]`, while it can do it for `ZIO[Any, Throwable, *]`:
src/Data/Machine/MooreT.hs:29:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports]
The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant
except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’
To imp…