States that the redirect_uri is __OPTIONAL__
The server returns an error when `redirect_uri` is omitted. https://github.com/go-oauth2/oauth2/blob/…
Forgive me I am not familiar with the app development. I had implemented my own OAuth2 server (Authorization code grant type).It works fine for the web client application.
I just wanted to know if OA…
My node went offline and I backed up all working dir 4 days ago. I just tried to use this backup. But after the unlocking node, I see error logs on the docker logs. It is not possible to proceed on th…
Needs to change to grant_type=client_credentials.
There might be more issues with the release compatibility...
### 问题描述 | Describe the bug
{"errno":400,"message":"400 - {\"error\":\"invalid_grant\",\"error_code\":21325,\"request\":\"/oauth2/access_token\",\"error_uri\":\"/oauth2/access_…
## Q&A (please complete the following information)
- OS: [e.g. macOS] macOS
- Browser: [e.g. chrome, safari] Safari
- Version: [e.g. 22] 13.1
- Method of installation: [e.g. npm, dist assets] …
in November 2018 the recommendation from the ietf is to no longer use Implicit Grant due to security concerns.
references :
section 2.1.2 of https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-security-to…
**Problem description**
The [Camara OIDC profile](https://github.com/camaraproject/IdentityAndConsentManagement/blob/jpengar/r0.2.0-rc.2/documentation/CAMARA-Security-Interoperability.md#format-of-lo…
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- [x] I could not find a solution in the existing issues, docs, nor discussions
- [x] I have joined the [ZITADEL chat](https://zitadel.com/chat)
### Describe your problem
spring-cloud-starter-gateway v4.1.5
When using a different client registration for the TokenRelay filter (like `TokenRelay=someClientRegistrationId` and not the one used for logging in the user), t…