Hey, is there anyway we can install this without having it automatically modify shared configs like `~/.bashrc`? I manage these files seperately. Also, any chance you can publish this as a Homebrew pa…
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues
### Output of `ddev debug test`
_No response_
### Expected Behavior
I expected any addition to .bashrc…
# Bash Tricks · robmsmt
julia> using PlutoUtils; PlutoUtils.comonicon_install_path()
cannot detect /Users/dpsanders/.julia/bin in PATH, do you want to add it in PATH? [Y/n]
[ Info: adding PATH to /Users/dpsanders/.b…
~/.profile ではなく ~/.bashrc に記述するのがいいらしい
bashrc랑 bash_profile 차이좀 알려주세요
Hi, when I reproduce the mimex-picmx experiment, I have the following problem:
Wrote config to: /home/exp/KukaPickSparse_2024-10-15_20:05:53_l5_k0.5_mr0.7_s0/config.yaml
Setting seed: 0
root@lab0 ~/lab$ cat ~/.zshrc
export ZSH="$HOME/.oh-my-zsh"
plugins=(git kube-ps1)
I deleted the files and tried reinstalling multiple times. I have the source ~/ file in both the .bashrc and I created the none existent .zshenv file and appended the line. I just I have zsh "oh my …
I noticed that my aliases weren't working, so I sourced my `~/.bashrc` and now no command works.
![Bashrc error](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6516167/28943195-b480e482-7852-11e7-86b5-51…