- Talk with agent on messager, link: https://m.me/chatopswg001
- Talk with agent on facebook page, link: https://www.facebook.com/chatopswg001/
Create a facebook page
Create a chatbot for that page using services such as chatfuel or dialogflow or wit.ai
Make your bot do something. see bot stores to get ideas about chatbots.
Comment li…
Can I use the Botman for autoresponding on Facebook Comments through Messenger like it on ManyChat or ChatFuel? And how can I do it when I knod ID of a post?
Messenger allows the addition of menu buttons for page. This menu can be modified and we can add or remove buttons. These menu buttons can have different actions i.e. link to a website or link to …
We are looking for Tech Stack for developing a Chat Bot Platform like Chatfuel,
Can anyone help in suggesting Tech Stack for this, or some package ?
How can we use Broid for this ?
Is there any plans of integration with messenger chatbot services such as chatfuel or wit.ai or others in the future. Bots are a great way to engage users.
We are looking for Tech Stack for developing a Chat Bot Platform like Chatfuel,
Can anyone help in suggesting Tech Stack for this, or some package ?
How can we use MS Bot framework for this ?
I'm creating this thread to track progress on the payment popup as well as the subsequent time-limited livechat feature.
We are looking for Tech Stack for developing a Chat Bot Platform like Chatfuel,
Can anyone help in suggesting Tech Stack for this, or some package ?
How can we use BotKit for this ?