Hi, first of all thanks for viewscape, we're a citizen science association and we've been using it to provide principled, evidence-based information about the view shed and visual amenity impacts of p…
So people can see which species are doing well on which fields etc. (like with our citizen science games - users see full results, including their data, in realtime)
Bathing water data is now available at Wolvercote and Wallingford during the summer months. The data is available via an [API](https://environment.data.gov.uk/bwq/). This data could trivially be inclu…
I hope this finds you well. I'm an author in the applied sciences and I have a home lab under the auspices of a biotech LLC. I'd like to be able to edit stuff here when appropriate. Always b…
Hi @aatteia @matthewandrews @RobinaSanderson @nickdos
I've received the below feedback from one of our stakeholders at the Department of Environment. Are the different links intentional?
## Summary
As an outcome for volunteering leave, James Scott will create a PR to add a chapter to the Turing Way sharing findings from AutSPACEs.
## Next Steps
- [ ] Collate existing work o…
Item 5 in the [EPO agreed outline plan -Zooniverse: Q3 '23 to Q2 '24]( https://docs.google.com/document/d/12KeT_mN3CG1Yu7Mra8vXPCzZAurm4ushZdLudG66chw/edit?usp=sharing) (Note mis-numbered as 4)
Cochrane has this amazing citizen science platform for annotation of scientific articles:
It is not text-based annotation, it is mostly text classification, but the interface has pretty much ao the…
I encountered an improvement opportunity during the evaluation process for the BIRD dataset. The prediction below is marked as incorrect by the evaluation method, but the only difference is …
Notes from lab meeting 9 Jan 202
* [name=Kirstie] What topics shall we cover in future meetings?
* [name=Kirstie] Ang & Yini - can we do one themed around the Chinese New Year? On 23 or 30 Jan?