| Q | A
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| Bug report? | [ ]
| Feature request? | [ ]
| Support request? | [ ]
| Q | A
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| Bug report? | [ ]
| Feature request? | [ ]
| Support request? | [x ]
Hello @cocolabssas,
I have just installed cocorico and I se…
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| Bug report? | [ ]
| Feature request? | [ ]
| Support request? | [X]
Hi support.
I was wondering if you provide any documentation on f…
| Q ?
| Feature request? | [x ]
Have you implemented some one method of payment.?
Hello again :)
Some SSH bastion rely on ssh pseudo-terminal capabilities to work, which works on a unix terminal with this "ssh" option :
-t Force pseudo-termina…
snk33 updated
4 years ago
| Q | A
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| Bug report? | [ y]
| Feature request? | [ ]
| Support request? | [ ]
I have installed the open source version. The keyword search inp…
Hello I have deployed latest cocorico image and it's showing File Not found error in frontend.
Please give a fix.
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| Bug report? | [ ]
| Feature request? | [ ]
| Support request? | [X ]
I am looking in the database table where is the price r…
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| Bug report? | [ ]
| Feature request? | [ ]
| Support request? | [X ]
When i try to add a new Listing i always get the error-message 'inv…
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| Bug report? | [ ]
| Feature request? | [ ]
| Support request? | [ x ]
hi @cocolabssas ,
is there any way the images can fit into the …