When searching for volition by aftershock comics.
Log below. Looks like it finds it, but sees the rest of the words in the file name might cause an error?
2018-09-01 21:56:23 | INFO | fi…
I have two newznab providers enabled that are otherwise working (fine in sickbeard), yet I get this in the logs when I force check for wanted:
2015-11-07 06:56:10 ERROR [WARNING] You have 0 search …
1. Create compatibility layer between Hydrus and the following repos, or
2. Analyze the repos below to find new ways of optimizing Hydrus.
3. Scripts are written in Python (preferably), Ruby, C++, C…
Hi. I had mylar set up and running a year or so ago but stopped using it. I have decided to give it another try but I'm having a few problems. I have so far been unable to get anything from my wanted …
I am a new user and tried using DogNZB for ~10days on a free trial with Mylar, SABnzdb. Everything worked. Now that my dog trial expired, I paid for NZBgeek and updated my search provider config. I no…
* **Version**: 懒人安装法
* **Interface**: 命令列介面
* **Arguments**:
F:\nodePlayground\work_crawler\comic.cmn-Hans-CN>node 36mh.js "狐妖小红娘"
load_named: [CeL.application.storage.archive] 之初始設定函式執行失敗!
ghost updated
4 years ago
Anyone else seeing this? If I click the download link, my browser downloads the nzb just fine.
02-Sep-2015 18:58:59 - INFO :: RSSCHECK : Shhh be very quiet...I'm looking for Americatown issue:…
I updated my mylar today (git build d6009fa0a39355b30f7a5954326a4eafe9069579) and when submitting nzb links to sabnzbd on a different server it failed, by sending nzb links with the ip address…
* **Version**:
* **Interface**:
* **Arguments**:
漫畫堆的網址已變更,由www.manhuadui.com變更為www.manhuabei.com 。
ghost updated
4 years ago