In the fsmbook there is a so called compounding exercise (p 248), but it is not
worked out, with other words, it does not show, how to compound words and how
to filter out unlikely compounds. Al…
In the fsmbook there is a so called compounding exercise (p 248), but it is not
worked out, with other words, it does not show, how to compound words and how
to filter out unlikely compounds. Al…
In the fsmbook there is a so called compounding exercise (p 248), but it is not
worked out, with other words, it does not show, how to compound words and how
to filter out unlikely compounds. Al…
The spellchecker does not accept compounds with "Teilnahme". The following words have already been added to spelling.txt:
- Teilnahmezertifikat
- Teilnahmevereinbarung
- Teilnahmemanagement
I …
See https://lucene.apache.org/core/4_4_0/analyzers-common/org/apache/lucene/analysis/compound/DictionaryCompoundWordTokenFilterFactory.html
This would be useful for languages like German, Swedish, an…
In the fsmbook there is a so called compounding exercise (p 248), but it is not
worked out, with other words, it does not show, how to compound words and how
to filter out unlikely compounds. Al…
Setting `cSpell.allowCompoundWords = false` does not affect C and C++ files.
![CSpell Compound Words Visual Studio Code](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/36752032/65265456-a2c226…
In the fsmbook there is a so called compounding exercise (p 248), but it is not
worked out, with other words, it does not show, how to compound words and how
to filter out unlikely compounds. Al…
It is not clear to me what the target is for the forms of the words that appear or how one would determine *how* compounds words like the following should appear. So this is an issue for discussion. I…
In the fsmbook there is a so called compounding exercise (p 248), but it is not
worked out, with other words, it does not show, how to compound words and how
to filter out unlikely compounds. Al…