As a developer I would like the PVs not to trigger a monitor every second even if the PV hasn't changed, I would also like a single SQL query if possible so the database is less loaded. Finally, think…
This script is not running correctly when CSF refreshes the rules automatically, but works fine when used together with csf -r. According to the [CSF readme](https://download.configserver.com/csf/read…
So I have my config server and webservices in the same repo. I'll make a new branch and do some work. When I start up the ConfigServer and start code/testing it automatically switched back to master. …
unfortunately I'm getting this error-message when I try to use the CSF module:
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find class docsf for ex…
先回顾一下,在之前的Spring Cloud Config的介绍中,我们还留了一个悬念:如何实现对配置信息的实时更新。虽然,我们已经能够通过/refresh接口和Git仓库的Web Hook来实现Git仓库中的内容修改触发应用程序的属性更新。但是,若所有触发操作均需要我们手工去维护Web Hook中的应用位置的话…
This has to be done most likely as a separate module (processor, like we have processors for different products). The topology processing is not a mandatory function of any configuration server, thus …
motan在使用zk作为服务注册以及发现的时候,是通过心跳来检查服务是否有效可以状态的吗?我看源码中AbstractRegister中通过MotanSwitchUtil.registerSwitcherLister("feature.configserver.heartbeat",new SwitchLister) 检查分辨url是否有效
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We're using a config server and Spring Cloud Bus to distribute a RefreshRemoteApplicationEvent. This works fine so far.
When our Zuul Proxy receives the event with changed routes they don't get loade…