- [ ] Build
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- [ ] Test with consumers
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### Current Impl
* Our current NATS JetStream implementation tracks progress through each message’s sequence ID and creates an ephemeral consumer upon each startup to guarantee exactly-once message…
Currently we interact with GraphQL endpoints supplied by the node via wrapped operations provided by `graphql-codegen`, these are then exposed to SDK consumers via wrapped provider functions (`Provide…
is it also possible to change the work mode over MQTT?
For example, if the electricity price is cheap, I put battery first; if the electricity price is high, I put consumers first.
` c = Consumer({
'bootstrap.servers': servers,
'group.id': groupid,
'auto.offset.reset': offsettype,
# 'auto.offset.reset': 'latest',
Hi, I registered to Github just to post this... so forgive me if I'm doing things wrong.
I would like to ask you to change the way the 'consumers' array is managed in order to allow multiple requests…
I have a consumer that takes about 20 minutes to process a received message. During this period the consumer should not be stopped. If I need to deploy a new version of the consumer, for example, thin…
I have a question regarding Redis Streams.
I am developing an application in a K8s environment, and I am using K8s pod name as consumer name.
The K8s pod name changes randomly each time the pod is…
I haven't found time to test semaphore's functions.
A quick test of sample3 show broken behavior, the program get stuck under Freemint.
Replacing by "./semaphore.h" fixes the issue.