Because the `style` module sets values with `elm.style[name] = val`, it will fail if we have a style attr like `style="color: red !important"`. Instead it should probably be using [CSSStyleDeclaration…
Following the official example, I added a `style` attribute in `row1BarList.ganttBarConfig`, but the browser reports an error: "TypeError: Failed to set an indexed property [0] on 'CSSStyleDeclaration…
### Motivation
Having to deal with a structure of:
export type State = {|
styles: {|
[key: string]: $Shape,
attributes: {|
[key: string]: { [key: string]: string | bo…
I came across this while writing some tests for React components. Here's a MWE:
``` javascript
import jsdom from 'jsdom';
// jsdom setup
const doc = jsdom.jsdom('');
const win = doc.defaultView;
# Description
Please add typescript support for this package, even adding the code mentioned on attachments section to my decs file an error will be returned informing ```Cannot use import statemen…
We're seeing a deprecation error in our tooling when someone tries to use the property `webkitLineClamp` in their code. Error:
webkitLineClamp is deprecated: This is a legacy alias of `lineClamp…
**TypeScript Version:** 2.2.1
// with --strictNullCheck
document.body.style.fontFamily.toString() // this should always work, fontFamily cannot be null
Refused to evaluate a string as CSS because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of style in the following Content Security Policy directive: "style-src 'self' data: chrome-extension-resource: 'unsa…
Also handle security for it.
Not sure why it isn't a part of `dart:html` in a usable way, and I'm not sure if angular expects to get a `String` or one of those `SomeStyleThing` classes.