Sorry to bother!
Work of this paper is really great! Although there exists a tensorflow version, it doesn't suitable for I'm not familiar with the tensorflow framework.
So could you please tell…
ghost updated
5 years ago
**** EPOCH 001 ****
Current batch/total batch num: 0/9949
2019-06-08 19:12:55.361276: E tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/dependency_optimizer.cc:666] Iteration = 0, topological so…
Can you kindly share your pytorch code?
I don't mind the draft version:)
This is my email:
YCJGG updated
5 years ago
Is there a pytorch version? :)
i got the prediction visualization file and the groudtruth file,but i can not open them with maya or 3D Max,my process of achieve files as follows
python batch_inference.py --model_path log/epoch…
hello @guochengqian
I want to check what the layers is going on in ```gcn_lib/sparse/torch_edge.py```. And I just wonder the line
```batch_size=batch[-1]+1```, so... what is ```batch``` argument? …