like this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48636522/label-r-dendrogram-branches-with-correct-group-number, which is in R - but in Python instead :)
When using Rstudio, zooming the aheatmap using "Zoom" button on the "Plots" tab leads to zooming the plot but not the dendrogram. Snapshot attached. Resizing the window cripples the dendrogram even mo…
I am attempting to create a dendrogram from previously run data. I have generated a Condensed Tree and converted it to a dataframe using `to_pandas()` method. I saved that data as a .csv file…
The `dend_diff()` function plots the first dendrogram twice, and manually adjusting with `which=` produces an error. Here's an example with the dendrograms from the introduction:
dend13 %
It seems that "dendogram + heatmap" are already possible to use in plotlyjs:
Related PR: https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/pull/1063
Unanswered question on "commun…
_From @Yquetzal on October 21, 2014 1:53_
The cutat method check for a fully hierarchical community decomposition. However, the leading.eigenvector method do not return a FULL hierarchy, so it does n…
Thank you again for the great package.
I was having trouble getting the heatmaply dendrograms to match the heatmap.2 dendrogram, when I came across the heatmaply vignette directions to make them ma…
I would like to visualize a dendrogram from scanpy.pl.heatmap() without the heatmap, grouped by louvain clusters. It would be nice to have the louvain clusters as the x-axis and the y-axis representat…
Originally Pivotal Tracker issue: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/165456012
bug entered by James M. Melott on 04/18/2019
Multiple step dendrogram selections and deselections leaves selec…