Devendras-Mac-mini:futurerestore devendrapalve$ ./futurerestore_macos -t 2543059263433766_iPhone8,2_n66map_11.0-15A372.shsh2 -b Mav13-4.30.02.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.n66m.R…
Getting build errors when trying to build lesson 5 exer 2. Full log:
* Executing task: nRF Connect: Generate config nrf52840dk_nrf52840 for /Users/redacted/code/nordic/inter_less5_ex…
Setup the starts of a simple example of a system devicetree that takes a board and partitions out devices (uarts) between "secure" and "non-secure".
galak updated
3 years ago
## Introduction
Devicetree properties, by convention, use dash (`-`) as a word separator. This RFC proposes making this a requirement for upstream bindings.
### Problem description
There are …
The `st,lis12dh` driver supports multiple variants: SPI and I2C buses, and at least two variant chips `st,lis3dh` and `st,lis2dh12`. PR #19901 adds a reference to the latter.
In the original submi…
**Bug Description**
When using the `adc_raw_to_millivolts_dt` function at line ~804~ 906 of the `include/zephyr/drivers/adc.h` file, the oversampling described in the devicetree is not applied. Thi…
It looks like this change https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/commit/f288b3a9788e7d3f182af279efda84855ead747f accidentally missed out updating `bcm2835-rpi-zero-w.dts` and `bcm2837-rpi-3-b-plus.dts`
lurch updated
5 years ago
The [doc](https://github.com/riscv-software-src/opensbi/blob/master/docs/domain_support.md) shows how to add a memrange to a custom sbi domain by using dtb.
Is there some way to add a custom memran…