What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Installed protobuf 2.5.0 from source:
$ tar xvf protobuf-2.5.0.tar.bz2
$ cd protobuf-2.5.0/
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr
$ make -j 4
$ sudo make install
It took me a while to figure out how to regenerate the `ipv6calc.html` file from the source `ipv6calc.lyx` file. I'm filing this to document this for others, and perhaps as a feature enhancement reque…
Table of Contents is not generated when using converToDocx even using toc::[] tag.
It seems that TOC is not generated in docbook and therefore not in docx.
It is possible to force the TOC generati…
Hi there!
When executing the following command:
unoconvert --output-filter "DocBook File" --convert-to xml - - < infile.rtf
To convert an RTF file to a DocBook XML File, and sending…
The "official" attribute to customise docbook tables is "tabstyle", but Asciidoctor does not recognise it or generate it.
should generate
I'm trying to create a bibliography as a separate chapter, and converting the document to docbook5. I found, though that the output doesn't work. My bibliography looks like this:
== Bibliography
hello i try to compile kbang in leopard with make and make install and it
crashes with this:
sh-3.2# make
xsltproc -o specification.html
hello i try to compile kbang in leopard with make and make install and it
crashes with this:
sh-3.2# make
xsltproc -o specification.html
Elementet borde representeras mha DocBook på samma sätt som i
GetCareDocumentation och GetReferralOutcome för att vara konsekventa.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `vjerne.…
This is a general issue with lots of specifics. Here's one example: in LaTeX you can put a \subparagraph or \paragraph anywhere, but in XML that generates a sect5 or a sect4 tag, and sections have to…