Some of my actions use `npx` to run commands, for example:
npx get-graphql-schema https://github-to-sqlite.dogsheep.net/graphql > schema.graphql
Is there a way to configure the Actions cache…
Hi, I'd like to keep track of links that I've submitted to Reddit and Hacker News, and I figured I could easily automate that using their RSS feeds. However, I looked at the rss code, and it seems lik…
I ran into a problem where the following fenced code block:
$ curl -s 'https://api.github.com/users/dogsheep/repos'\
| sqlite-utils memory - '
select full_name, forks_count, star…
As seen in https://github.com/dogsheep/github-to-sqlite#making-authenticated-api-calls
https://til.simonwillison.net/ - I'm thinking anything in the `datasette` or `sqlite` topics would make sense to include, like I do already with my blog entries.
(`shot-scraper 'https://datasette.io/-/beta?q=css' -…
Concerning the problem of CI systems inflating stats, https://twitter.com/minimaxir/status/1505598747971006465 suggests:
> A workaround would be looking at trends for only Win/Mac downloads (which …
We use the `dependents` count for a repository, which is currently fetched by grabbing the html page for the project (eg. https://github.com/facebook/react/network/dependents) and parsing the HTML. As…
https://datasette.io/-/beta?sort=oldest says:
> fts5: syntax error near ""
Refs #1439