I am trying to use this BubbleShowcase for menuItem placed on NavigationView inside DrawerLayout but somehow bubble is not showing up. Please suggest how to deal with this. Any help with be appreciate…
I'm using IDEA12.
Setup is: class B extends A, both classes have some @InjectView fields.
A "Rebuild Project" creates:
A$$ViewInjector and B$$ViewInjector, the latter with a call to A$$ViewInjector.in…
Hi, First at all, thanks for make this amazing library. How can I make for sliding the menu over the content, namely, I don't want to scroll the activity to the right with the menu, I want the activit…
I've inspected the code and seems all the APIs and components that `react-native-drawer-layout` uses are already implemented in [react-native-web](https://github.com/necolas/react-native-web). Do you …
First, thanks for this demo projet, helped me out quite a bit 👍
React navigation offers a [built in side menu](https://reactnavigation.org/docs/en/drawer-navigator.html) using createDrawerNavigato…
Crear y configurar el menu lateral en el listado de viajes, este menu consiste en utilizar el elemento DrawerLayout de Android.
- Categorías
- Viajes archivados
- Información aplicación
Same problem with: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39296436/statusbar-is-not-transparent-but-white
With the automatical generated XML, the `status bar background` shows normally and correctly, e…
Hi, I have a drawer layout, (whole screen is a controller), where drawer has its own backstack, and content (the view under drawer when it is opened) has also its own backstack; so two child routers
hi, super widget!
When do you think about putting up the "drawner" part?
That I remove com.tripvi.drawerlayout ;)
thank you for your wonderful widget