macOS 10.14.6
brew install grub --with-x86_64-pc-elf --HEAD
==> Installing grub from hawkw/grub
==> Cloning git://git.savannah.gnu.org/grub.git
Updating /Users/diver/Library/Cac…
git branch
* (HEAD detached at v5.4)
Using instructions as described in: https://risc-v-getting-started-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/linux-qemu.html
I installed gcc on my ubuntu machine:
When Cloning this Repo and building from source i got
`Parser is imported here, but it is only a trait, without a derive macro`
Adding the solution from this stackoverflow thread helped
i am using Lilygosim7600E-H to get GPS Location in NMEA But Not getting any Location
I (0) cpu_start: App cpu up.
I (231) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (231) cpu_start: cpu freq: 16000…
A long and often requested feature for Numba is a JIT'd code performance profiler. The basic idea is to be able to provide feedback to users about which lines of Python source are taking the most time…
Currently there isn't any support in riscof to f…
### OS
### Operating System version
### Visual Studio Code version
### ESP-IDF version
### Python version
### Doctor command output
Hi Guys,
I am trying to use libbcc in Android to load eBPF code required for various usecases. Currently the libbcc API only supports taking a string containing C source code and building/loading tha…
When attempting to use `iverilog` with `fusesoc`, compiling the elf-loader, compilation of the VPI module fails due to missing ``:
../src/elf-loader_1.0/elf-loader.c:26:18: fatal error: gelf.h…
Running python .\decoder.py -p ESP32 -t "\~/.platformio/packages/toolchain-xtensa32" -e "\~\firmware.elf" -f .\st1.txt --stack
Contents of st1.txt is
Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed …