Hello Docker Team
Thank's for the great products Docker and Docker compose.
Currently PHP Symfony framework has next logic for loading .env files:
# In all environments, the following fi…
GoLand 2022.2
EnvFile 3.4.1
1. Add a SSH Server
2. Choice run on ssh target
3. Add a .env file in EnvFile
it can not working when use ssh target, but working nomal…
I've upgraded my Goland using ToolBox and after that when I try to run any configuration that is using EnvFile I got this error and I need to restart the IDE:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Faile…
**What happened?**
I am setting up different variables to find binaries like
"CARGO_HOME" : "/home/gitpod/.cargo",
"GOPATH" : "/home/gitpod/go-packages",
"GOROOT" : "/home/gi…
When creating a Kipoi env it recommends to activate it using `source activate` (last line)
change that and also in the documentation
`conda activate`
$ kipoi env create BPNet-OSKN
Feature request: support using [JetBrains HTTP client environment files][http-env-file] as EnvFile sources. This would allow sharing the same env between the IDE's bundled HTTP client and run configur…
**Describe the bug**
I'm trying to use local `.env` file with the setting `databricks.python.envFile` as per extension doc described [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/databricks/dev-to…
When trying to build a react project doing: ` npm run build-dev`
I get a lot of **Could not resolve "path"** **Could not resolve "os"** **Could not resolve "crypto"**
And of course the build fail…
#### Imported from https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1292913
|Reported by|[James Collins (jamesc25313)](https://launchpad.net/~jamesc25313)|
|Date reported|Sat, 15 Mar 2014…
Using a Rails app as an example, a developer may want to load certain default values when `Rails.env.development?` and others when running the test suite and `Rails.env.test?`. Both of these cases sho…