Add a way to export classes and functions as an ES6 module. Maybe overriding the ```@:expose``` behavior when ```-D js_es=6```? Or introducing a new metadata?
class Test {
Используй все возможности ES6. Шаблонные строки - одна из них.
Данный фрагмент кода г…
### 对象析构赋值用于取值
const obj = {a: 1, b: 2}
const {a,b} = obj
const {a:a1} = obj
console.log(a1) // 1
### 扩展运算符用于数组,对象合并
- ES6之前数组合并一般用concat const c = a.concat(b) 对象使用Object.assign() …
comTg updated
2 years ago
Is planned does rewriting as ES6 module?
解构赋值允许指定默认值: ES6 内部使用严格相等运算符(===),判断一个位置是否有值。所以,只有当一个数组成员严格等于undefined,默认值才会生效。
const { a, b, c } = { a: 233, b: null };
console.log(a, b); // 233, null, undefined
I'm trying to create an es6 module with relatively minimal capabilities beyond using tex2svg. I tried creating a bundle from this file:
import { mathjax } from "mathjax-full/js/mathjax…
### Have you checked that your feature request isn't already filed?
- [X] I read through [FAQ](https://github.com/alshedivat/al-folio/blob/master/FAQ.md) and searched through the [past issues](https:…
I've pulled this into my project from NPM and I'm trying to import it into a webcomponent but
`import { humanizeDuration } from 'humanize-duration/humanize-duration.js';` gives an error that there …
相比ES3到ES5,ES5到ES6是更重大的升级,既有大量语法糖,如`Arrow Function`、`Template string`等等,更有模块化、`class`、`generator`等等强大的新特性。相信ES6会极大的改变我们编写JS的方式,而且ES6(ES2015)已经在2015年6月17日发布,所以说可以开始学习ES6了。
Just curious, how would you feel if I send a PR that is a dumb rewrite from CS to ES6/babel ?