### What happened?
Building capacitor modifies `src-capacitor/package.json` -> it removes the empty line at the end of the file.
This does not seem to behave the same way for the SPA application.
What's the best way to include these?
- Add to the React project skeleton? *Wouldn't work for `nwb react [run|build]`*
- Add extra polyfills to the Webpack entry point for `react` projects?
insin updated
6 years ago
**Issue type:**
[x ] question
[ ] bug report
[ ] feature request
[ ] documentation issue
**Database system/driver:**
[ ] `cordova`
[ ] `mongodb`
[ ] `mssql`
[ x] `mysql` / `mariadb`
[ …
## Bug Report
**Current Behavior**
Not sure if this is unclear documentation, or a bug.
- Using Babel (cli) for a website.
- One of the targets is IE11, which does not have (for ... of) and a…
Here I put ALL the new stuffed that I still need to process and categorize.
``` markdown
Hey I just used let,
and this is crazy,
but let is a reserved identifier,
babel maybe ?
use babel for evaluating `!!>` ?
Advantages ?
Always latest babel supported syntax !
## Why I want to learn decorator
Find [this project](https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx) in today's github trending, it is using decorator.
## Why decorator
> Decorators make it possible to annotate and…
> 最近看了篇文章解释的非常好,这里翻一下
原文:[JavaScript — WTF is ES6, ES8, ES 2017, ECMAScript… ?](https://codeburst.io/javascript-wtf-is-es6-es8-es-2017-ecmascript-dca859e4821c)