I'm new at commenting on GitHub, so forgive me if I'm not doing this right.
When I get to line 125:
#Order variables in data set
projections_fp projections_fp
> [1] name player…
No auction, too complicated.
Probably can't do with auction. Too much math that I'm not smart enough to do.
Seeing this 401 when trying get any sort of info after authenticating. I've logged in a couple of times, refreshed the token, used other accounts. Can't seem to use any of the API. OAuth 1.0 seems …
**App Name:** Fantasy News by FantasyPros
**Bundle ID:** com.fantasypros.news
**iTunes ID:** 967102422
**iTunes URL:** https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fantasy-news-by-fantasypros/id967102422?mt=8&u…
FantasyPros has changed the URL to their point projections. The latest update (v1.5) corrects the URL. However some users still may have some problems. One solution might be logging into fantasypros v…
**App Name:** Fantasy Football Draft Wizard 2017 by FantasyPros
**Bundle ID:** com.fantasypros.NFL-Draft-Wizard
**iTunes ID:** 1132708558
**iTunes URL:** https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fantasy-foo…
I am unable to refresh injury and point projections. Whenever I hit the button I receive the error "Run-time Error '1004': No data was selected to parse."
>Read and change your data on all websites you visit
This seems unnecessary. Why not only give permissions for just ESPN/Yahoo/FF?
**App Name:** FantasyPros Who Do I Start?
**Bundle ID:** com.fantasypros.wsi
**iTunes ID:** 1013018896
**iTunes URL:** https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fantasypros-who-do-i-start/id1013018896?mt=8&uo=4…