For various reasons, files VMPC2000XL tries to load may become corrupted. At the moment, for `nvram.vmp`, and maybe some other files too, we only check if the file exists, and then assume it is health…
i want to do person detection, and finetune with VGG_coco_SSD_300x300_iter_240000.caffemodel, and get higher recall, but also higher false positive.
person detect :the original model detect result :…
Hello, thank you for the great job.
I got problem with my hik nvr. I want to start records based on motion detection. Is any way to make it work?
my yi home 2k pro (y623) is detected by nvr, got str…
car_detection AP: 0.417685 0.280079 0.230861
PDFCROP 1.38, 2012/11/02 - Copyright (c) 2002-2012 by Heiko Oberdiek.
==> 1 page written on `car_detection.pdf'.
Describe fault detection performed by the O-PNC and how this information is reported to the MDSC: see for example the failure scenario in https://github.com/italobusi/draft-poidt-teas-actn-poi-assuran…
when the buspirate was introduced, running on an PIC uC. The software landscape for microcontrollers was still pretty much C...
However, now we have tools like MicroPython. As I used both proj…
-- Found Cairo: /packages/xcairo1.18_x86-1.18.0-1/.self/develop/lib/x86/libcairo.so (found…
Thanks Nick, Great work!!!
I've looks to the requirement and have small question, do we need cover two important for me debugging capabilities:
- fault detection
- watchpoints
or this capabiliti…
Running `docker-compose up` after cloning the repo prints:
Creating spectre-meltdown-checker ... done
Attaching to spectre-meltdown-checker
spectre-meltdown-checker | Spectre and Meltdown…
This is the ComfyUI Error
Error occurred when executing InsightFaceLoader_Zho:
File "B:\ComfyUI\execution.py", line 152, in recursive_execute
output_data, output_ui = get_output_data(obj, inp…