Though the Nvidia Capture SDK was deprecated for Windows 10 and the [latest version](https://developer.nvidia.com/capture-sdk-archive) 7.1.1 does still work. Could this be supported somehow with this …
while installing the same has failed because of this error, can anyone help?
chgrp: cannot access ‘/sys/module/i915/parameters/i915_enable_fbc’: no such file or directory
DMFra updated
7 years ago
On Debian/Ubuntu the isql executable in default $PATH (/usr/bin/isql) is from the unixodbc package ([ubuntu](https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=isql&mode=exactfilename&suite…
Several ontologies contains annotations that have not been manually curated/edited, but are instead the result of some kind of automatic generation process.
For example, FlyBase’s _Drosophila_ anat…
I am trying to create a cobra model using sample SBML files downloaded from [KEGG converter](http://www.grissom.gr/keggconverter/). The ``io`` method ``read_sbml_model`` is able to generate m…
[プラクティス wc コマンドを作る \| FBC](https://bootcamp.fjord.jp/practices/161) に沿って、wcコマンドを作る。
in facebook/**init**.py line 218 (fql methods) insert this:
'multiquery': [('queries', json, []),],
then try this:
fbc = Facebook("your_api_key", "")
# assign session_key and secret_key
I'm using qulice version `0.18.17` and Checkstyle fails if I'm using a letter with acute sign at header (HeaderCheck):
Checkstyle: C:\Users\fbc\workspace\fabriciofx\cactoos-jdbc\src\main\java\co…
What if someone discovers the URL and starts sending you messages? I would think Twilio has the same available, but I haven't looked in depth. You want to know that the message is from Twilio and not …