## Light mode and Dark mode feature
- [ ] button in the navbar
- [ ] dark mode styles
[24.08.2023 12:09:16] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek:
[24.08.2023 12:09:16] jasiu-rozowyczlowiek
The information about this user story (Story nº1) are here:
>**UI mockup:** https://github.com/FEUP-LEIC-ES-2022-23/2LEIC14T5/blob/main/docs/requirements.md#user-interface-mockup
>**Acceptance Test:…
The product vision is available here:
> https://github.com/FEUP-LEIC-ES-2022-23/2LEIC14T5/blob/main/docs/ProductVision.md#vision-statement
To gather more than one customer as of now, we can quickly add the low-level xBeach implementation to provide to other researchers at FEUP. This will bring a lot of issues but we will be building the …
For example, MSIN (https://sigarra.up.pt/feup/pt/ucurr_geral.ficha_uc_view?pv_ocorrencia_id=436845) is in both MIEEC and MI:EF, but only appears in MI:EF.
Did not dive very deep into the issue yet,…
Customer feedback @hpenedones @sarmento:
After the FEUP meeting, me and @fabiocruz have discovered that what the researchers want is full control of the simulation.
And by that, I mean that they …
After testing a simulation on Colab, our FEUP users tried to test running things through Visual Studio Code with a simple python script.
He processed the installation with pip install .... our api…
Needs to wait for issue #441 to finish, as it adds the exam's id to the model.
Hi, I'm trying to repeat your tutorial from medium, but the dinasore fails. I've changed paths to FBs, tried to rename block.
And I have no idea how to fix that... 4diac notify that "Create Function…