## Bug
Running eval.py produces this bug of dimension mismatch. I changed the net value in the eval.py to 'vit_base_patch16_96' as well.
### Reproduce the Bug
Running the command :
I think UniMatch is a very innovative approach that builds upon FixMatch with some seemingly simple but actually very effective innovations. However, while FixMatch is a classification method, UniMatc…
According to your paper, Eq (1) and (2) say that the standard branch follows the FixMatch training, and there is no logit adjustment at all.
However, according to your [code](https://gith…
I tried to run the example Custom_Dataset.ipynb (https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1zbswPm1sM8j0fndUQOeqX2HADdYq-wOw) but an error raised:
in FixMatch.__init__(self, args, net_builder, tb_log…
I have a question about the prediction mode for pseudo-labels.
All my questions are related to "unimatch.py".
[ Question 1 ]
Your approach is:
1) The "fixmatch" study, which widely announced the…
thank you for sharing your code. Just I got confused in your code.
In yo…
Hello, I experimented with unimatch and fixmatch separately under the condition "VOC2012 92labeled-GPU 4*3090". The code is not adjusted.
I found that the training of unimatch is stable and can achie…
## Bug
When run, the beginner example notebook does not demonstrate the algorithm is learning. After 30 epochs, each output report produces the exact same output, included below. This is after adju…
I run the Beginning_example.ipynb and found the accuracy was only 0.1. I modified the optimization configs according to the comment, but it didn't work.
This is the output.
Epoch: 0