type Fizzbuzz =
I['length'] extends T
? I
: T1['length'] extends 2
? T2['length'] extends 4
? Fizzbuzz
: Fizzbuzz
: T2['length'] extends 4
? Fizzbuzz
: Fizzbuzz
type FizzBuzzOne<
C extends number,
C3 extends number,
C5 extends number,
_FB = `${C3 extends 3 ? 'Fizz' : ''}${C5 extends 5 ? 'Buzz' : ''}`
> = _FB extends '' ? `…
The hidden FizzBuzz example utilizes `else when` statements, but they're not documented anywhere in the spec. As a result, ChatGPT assumed the wrong semantics for them, deciding that an `else when` wa…
输入一个整数,如果能够被3整除,则输出 `Fizz`
如果能够被5整除,则输出 `Buzz`
如果既能被3整数,又能被5整除,则输出 `FizzBuzz`
``` js
//=> 'fizz'
//=> 'buzz'
//=> 'fizzbuzz'
//=> 7
Add support for views. A fully-supported view feature will be blocked until we can order on individual columns adds/drops.
## 설명
i가 1부터 15까지 1씩 증가하면서,
i가 3의배수라면 fizz를 출력
i가 5의배수라면 buzz를 출력
i가 15의배수라면 fizzbuzz를 출력
나머지 모든 경우는 i를 그대로 출력.
## 할일
- [x] Print fizz
- [x] Print buzz
- [x] Print fizzbuzz
- [ ] Wr…
I'll make a code with 1 line
mysql> CREATE TABLE fizzbuzz.test (id text, value text) ENGINE=fizzbuzz;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> SELECT * FROM fizzbuzz.test;
Empty set (0.01 sec)
mysql> INSERT INT…
- Create a `solutions` branch
- Follow TDD and implement FizzBuzz using JUnit5 in JDK8
Acceptance Criteria:
- Solution adhered to [Instructions specified here](https://github.com/armakuni/tdd-j…