**Which module(s) and week(s) does this change effect?**
Module(s): HTML/CSS
Week(s): Pre-Work
**What is the work that needs to be done?**
Our first lesson of Git in the Full Stack course has …
Hi all.
I want to help, but I want to know if this project is active. *Is this project active?*
Excelente projeto.
Acontece que não conheço quase nada do React e não consegui rodar localmente.
Poderia colocar os passos para rodar localmente?
Obrigado e sucesso!
### Which field of community (DevOps/Opensource/Web/Web3/Android/Devrel) you want to add, drop the links?
HackerEarth Slack - https://join.slack.com/t/hackerearthdevs/shared_invite/zt-1eg0jqmlz-Ydv…