I have created a few python script to run the futuapi with some trading algorithm.
However, when I try to create the exe using pyinstaller, I am getting this error when running the exe.
I am trying to run tasks_to_run.py but it never finishes. I get this error
scheduled_tasks_1 | Traceback (most recent call last):
scheduled_tasks_1 | File "tasks_to_run.py", line 151, in …
api能支持股票指标么,如EMA, KDJ等
在Futu API中如何能订阅[美国指数期货MNQ, MES, MYM](https://www.futuhk.com/about/commissionnew?lang=zh-hk&_gl=1*iklyd4*_ga*Nzc3NzgwNTQ4LjE2MTIzMjI4OTg.*_ga_K1RSSMGBHL*MTYyOTM0MTg2NS41LjEuMTYyOTM0MTg5Ny4w&_ga=2.21888…
- v2.0
- [x] API
- [x] RestClient,REST API通用客户端,[nanoric]
- [x] WebsocketClient,Websocket API通用客户端,[nanoric]
- [x] CTP,基于pybind11封装,移除对vcredist依赖,[vnpy]
- [x] Fram…
富途牛牛 app 里面可以查看实时汇率,但我没有在 Futu OpenAPI 文档里面找到相关接口,只找到某些接口说不支持外汇的说明。
既然富途牛牛 app 里面可以实时汇率,提供一个 api 应该不难,请添加以方便实时计算人民币市值。
import futu
quote_ctx = futu.OpenQuoteContext(host='', port=1000…
Trying to use `google_sign_in` on real device (Android 10, API 29, model Mi A2 Lite) or emulator (Android SDK built for x86, API 29, Pixel 2) and am getting the following PlatformException when I choo…
### Problem Description
I want to run `react-native-windows` as an ordinary win 32 app, I searched and find `packages\playground\windows\playground-win32.sln`. So I tried to build it. However, I go…
**Describe the issue**
Running Run-AlValidation when comparing between the current app and previous app in the BC21 NextMajor container
passes without any failure, but when submitting the app into A…
你好 请问futu的api是否支持对于股票news的一个搜索, 返回, 抓取? 谢谢