I'm a school student trying to work with Rust on lab computers. Students have between 0.5 GB and 1.5 GB of storage space.
My `.multirust` folder looks like this:
### Description
The bug described here:
[#28 Tool conflict in tool chain editor](https://sourceforge.net/p/gnuarmeclipse/bugs/28/)
and here:
[Conflict while editing tools](https://eclipse-…
I have added the `armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf` target to my cargo-dist list of targets:
# Config for 'cargo dist'
# The preferred cargo-dist version to use in CI …
Problem: cc is unable to find stdc++ when building an example for a library crate.
✅ works: binary crate, call c++ from example
test.cpp …
Transaction object is deleted before being read in ApplyDeltasForRead.
ASAN output:
==973327==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0xffff9b5ff730 at pc 0x000000825844 bp 0xff…
### Code
use core::{panic::PanicInfo, arch::asm};
fn panic(_info: &PanicInfo) -> ! {
loop {}
I've cloned and configured the latest sources:
git clone https://github.com/riscv-collab/riscv-gnu-toolchain
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
./configure --prefix=`pwd`/installed-tools --disable-gdb
Because of the two different name mangling rules (Visual C++ and MinGW-w64) on Windows, LLD cannot link against MSVC libraries in MinGW toolchain (**x86_64-w64-windows-gnu**) or link against GNU libra…
### Describe the bug
There is a reachable unwrap panic in `VsockStreamSocket::drop()` at kernel/src/net/socket/vsock/stream/socket.rs:354 when closing file descriptor in multiple processes.
==> Installing riscv-software-src/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain --with-NOmultilib
==> git submodule update --depth 1 --init --recursive newlib
==> git submodule update --depth 1 --init --recursive binut…