'Convolution in the Cloud: Learning Deformable Kernels in 3D Graph Convolution Networks for Point Cloud Analysis' is a good paper with 3D-GCN, whose funciton contain graph classification and node cals…
https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/tensorrt/developer-guide/index.html#fusion-types says:
**Depthwise Separable Convolution**
`A depthwise convolution with activation followed by a convolution w…
I have implemented the forward pass using a convolution + sigmoid_fwd activation and am now working on the backpropagation of the graph. However, according to the [document](https://docs.nvidia.…
'Convolution in the Cloud: Learning Deformable Kernels in 3D Graph Convolution Networks for Point Cloud Analysis' is a good paper with 3D-GCN, whose funciton contain graph classification and node ca…
When I quantize yolo v3 model flow this tutorial, I found that the output nodes in this code block should be `conv2d_59/BiasAdd,conv2d_67/BiasAdd,conv2d_75/BiasAdd` while not `conv2d_59/convolution…
Hello @mdeff
Let me thank you for this notebook showing different graph convolution implementation.
l'm wonderi…
Permuting the atom order leads to different output probabilities. In this case I've permuted the ordering of the atoms in strychnine and a miyazaki graph about 1000 times using the following code, the…
#### Heterogeneous GNN
- [ ] Relational GCN (+ DistMult)
- [x] mini-batch learning (DGL)
Current model only takes into account 1D interactions.
It should be possible to define a graph (for instance, via [Delaunay triangulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delaunay_triangulation)) and …
Title: - Semi-supervised User Geolocation via Graph Convolutional Networks
Year: - 2018
Venue: - arXiv
**Main Problem**
The authors addresses the problem of inaccurate prediction of user geo-loc…