Hi, when I installed pyke, I can not import it. I used both the two methods in pyke.keplerscience.org/install.html. What's the problem? Thanks for your help!
from pyke import kepextract
## Description
The ODE functors aren't compatible with `fvar` inputs and fail to compile
#### Current Version:
I'd like to add a `Matrix` class to complement `Vector`.
A key design question is what this needs to support. In particular: do we need to support multiple axes that correspond to flattened pytrees…
Hello @amontoison @gdalle @tmigot,
First, thank you for your work on this project! I recently updated to v0.8.3 and encountered an issue with my code. I use OrdinaryDiffEq to solve an ODE within th…
Not sure if this is the right spot, sorry if not!
I would like to state (in my case for an optimization problem I would like to solve with ipopt) the equality constraints as a vector.
No problem doi…
Hello there :wave: I'm writing regarding the following admonition in the docs :)
I am solving optimal-…
It will be great to add performance evaluation and comparisons of algorithms available in ChainerRL.
Because it seems that the function which calculates the eigenvalues only returns one eigenvalue for the whole model.
As far as I understand, if you have a function f:R^n -> R^n, there should be a way to calculate
J_f(x) . y (Jacobian of f at point x, multiplied by the vector y) more efficiently than calculating th…
**Concisely describe the proposed feature**
I would like to add real function support so that no more IR spam space wasting and finally support recursion.
**Describe the solution you'd like (if an…