## Team Sign-up
- Team Name: IQY-hunters
- Team Leader: @zhuboshuai
- Team Member: @chen8103@126.com
- Team Member: @dbaxg
- Team Member: @pcqz
1. A Team can have AT MOST 5 people, inc…
## Team Sign-up
- Team Name: jinxianqi
- Team Leader: @ jinxianqi( 540663670@qq.com)
- Team Member: @ jinxianqi(540663670@qq.com)
1. A Team can have AT MOST 5 people, including the T…
## Team Sign-up
- Team Name: PingCAP
- Team Leader: @sre-bot(sre-bot@pingcap.com)
- Team Member: @sre-bot(sre-bot@pingcap.com)
- Team Member: @sre-bot(sre-bot@pingcap.com)
- Team Member: @sre-b…
For the quest you have to place an Ectoplasmic Distiller on the ground and kill special mobs inside its radius. If they die inside this radius they drop some special items. At the moment it is not nec…
I was thinking if Azanor using some time of code or personal graphical program to (i dint now, maybe: log area in radius 5 for items block and interaction for 5s?) log and then sort thinks like cauldr…
### Observed behaviour
Mine Colony colonists are regarded as neutral mobs that are not tamed, nor are they tamable. I have not observed summons hunting any other neutral mobs so I'm confused why they…
From http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/fun-hard-mode/tickets/135-suggestion-hunting/
Reported by deleted account:
Finding animals is a quick and (too) easy way to get food. They just stand there w…
Keep following and analyzing the links on the wiki.
Keep an eye on eboladata.org:
It would be helpful to know the number of root-level keys in an array or object in the mini-dashboard, it would save some hunting around if you're looking to see what's in a particular key.
### 好的实习总结攻略帖子:
[找2021 Summer Intern总结与经验分享](https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-718550-1-1.html)
[2020 Summer找实习4000字长文总结](https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=587928…