### Feature Request: MLOps Integration for NLU Section Inspired by MLflow Features
#### Description
To enhance Hexabot's NLU capabilities, we propose integrating MLOps-inspired features to strea…
Thanks for the great work. One thing I'm curious about is that does it actually work well on SFT for LLMs? It is not covered in the paper, as well. I tried the following parameters on a 2B-sized model…
Is the hyperparameter setting in Appendix B of the paper the optimal one?
From our earlier discussion, I will try to summarize the "is it a reduction" question.
As you are familiar with math formalism, I will try to formulate this question using mathematical language.
Thank you for providing this library! I would like to know how to use this library for implementing a Leave-One-Subject-Out (LOSO) cross-validation paradigm using the SEED dataset and the DGCNN (…
C_puct needs to be tuned since it depends on a lot of other implementation details, and it's not given in the alphago zero paper.
I'm not sure if we're using the same momentum equations as alphago …
May you please shared the exact command to reproduce the results on the paper?
The following is the CIFAR-10 trained using the beta and gamma you provide in the readme.
The final model reaches a…
@fcjian Hi, thanks for your great work.
I would like to know when using CDN, how to determine these hyperparameters for virtual depth. Could you please explain more?
From what I can tell, linear models are not run by default in version 0.3.1. What is the reason? Would you consider adding them to the default hyperparameters file?
To run these models do I just use …
knoam updated
4 weeks ago
Hello Mr. Jia Chen,
I wanted to clear a confusion to be able to replicate the model results AS IS.
In your paper entitled 'Interactive Matching Network for Multi-Turn Response Selection in Retrie…