Debian Testing 64-bit, Linux 4.17.0-1
Machine 1: Intel Core i5-6500 / NVIDIA Geforce GTX 960
Machine 2: Intel Core i5-2520M / Intel HD Graphics 3000
Only issue appears to be alt-tabbing. Game is pl…
hello 能否添加NUC9v7QNX w/vPro i5-9850H 这个型号的EFI支持啊,我直接使用会出现开机显示硬件不支持,但是能安装系统,安装完后进入系统后几秒钟会自动重启
Good afternoon dear friend! Thanks for the work you've done! I got a little problem. I have a PC: Intel Core I5-4690, 16Gb DDR3 Ram, GeForce 1070GTX. I installed DVA3219 on this system. Loader ma…
I have worked without problems with synth edit version 1.4 with an i5 processor, asus cerberus 2GB GPU and windows 10.
I have installed version 1.5 and it won't boot. Any suggestions?
Thanks a …
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Build Reloaded on a core i5 processor
2. Launch Reloaded
What is the expected output?
Reloaded must run at a normal speed
What do you see instead?
It i…
Is this compatible for previous gen aspire?
gcard: AMD Radeon HD 8670M (similar to gt 730m from http://www.mydrivers.com/zhuanti/tianti/gpum/index.html)
when run autogtp, it get the job, and exit with following msg
The [following user](https://www.reddit.com/r/dainonotes/comments/1fgtpeg/a_few_suggestions_and_questions/) reports that exporting .md/txt worked on his machine using the snap package, apparently usin…
can you please add boards supported by apicula project?
Trenz TEC0117: GW1NR-UV9QN881C6/I5
Sipeed Tang Nano: GW1N-LV1QN48C6/I5
The new prebuild is not compatible with Intel Core i5-3570K and most probably other CPUs of the same generation.
It crashes with signal ILL:
> /node_modules/sodium-native/prebuilds/linux-x64/sodiu…