We had a fully operational pipeline the last few months, but for some reason last week it stopped working. All we know is that cmd.exe stopped with an errorcode 4294967295.
TracingMongoClient在多次使用的情况下 (对TracingMongoClient进行Scope注入) 会有多次订阅mongodb事件的问题,建议对MongoClientSettings做单例处理,或者从外部传入一个MongoClientSettings,由外部调用方控制
public static class ClusterBuilderExt
The solar generated power value going to influx is divided by 100. It's sending for instance 2.77W instead of 277W into influxdb. Attached is screenshot of my Node-red showing the value. The…
We have been using Phobos with OpenTelemetry where trace exporter is typically configured like this (in F#):
let configureTracing (serviceProvider: IServiceProvider) =
### Project short name:
### Primary Wrangler:
### Secondary Wrangler:
### Associated files
* Google Drive:
Our app receives messages from RabbitMQ and forwards them to Akka actors. Here's the code enriched with OpenTelemetry context propagation:
let extractTraceContext (properties: IBasicProperties…
### APM Agent version
### Environment
.NET 5.0
### Describe the bug
I have a service that uses NServiceBus, which internally uses Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus. I use UseAllEl…
### APM Agent version
### Environment
**Operating system and version:**
Windows 10 (Latest)
Ubuntu 18.04 (Latest LTS)
NET 5.0.8
### Describe the bug
Documentation says that usin…
The request to support OpenTracing was mentioned and now after OpenTracing and OpenCensus merged into OpenTelemetry maybe we should shoot directly OpenTelemetry?
It's indirectly related to elastic/…
I have a strange issue in our outgoing grain call filter implementation after the update to version 3.5.1:
Unexpected: Cannot find an implementation class for grain interface -1341526286…