Exception on Workbench's `Upload` button press
FileNotFoundError at /api/workbench/upload/17/skip/
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/cache/specify_wb_upload/sp7demofish_17_3598e…
The value I used: їґёыъэєßåΩ≈
![Screen Shot 2020-07-07 at 11 31 21 PM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40512816/86839362-f18d7c00-c066-11ea-98c9-1af78a781537.png)
Actualmente el proyecto cuenta con falta de buenas practicas de código, como son respectar el naming convention del lenguaje Java, lenguaje estándar en la industria para la declaración de los nombres …
Specify is running inside of Docker, so I am 99% percent sure my Dockerfile is at fault,
Still, I need help identifying the issue
![Screen Shot 2020-08-10 at 3 59 54 PM](https://user-images.github…
Simple function which does an HTTP Client call. First request after deployment works, after that it fails. Stackdriver shows:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: STREAM at org.eclipse.jetty.serve…
I get the following exception when I try to upload a file on the `db6` server
Seems to happen for every form
Seems to happen for any kind of file
TypeError at /attachment_gw/get_upload_param…
The following entries in the file airports.dat do not have an airport code:
57: Forestville (Canada)
104: Pitt Meadows (Canada)
207: Blida (Algeria)
208: Bou Saada (Algeria)
213: Reggane (Algeria)
When touching on Departures (of a station) the up-coming site is blank and if you then swiping down the app crashes. This issue just appears to me if I use the VVT Transport Network.
Hello dear Opal's team.
Carlos From Nicaragua.
I have installed OPAL (On Debian 10-buster and later on Ubuntu 18) using Debian package installation instructions: https://www.obiba.org/pages/pkg/
# Checklist
- [x] I have verified that the issue exists against the `master` branch of Celery.
- [ ] This has already been asked to the [discussion group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cel…