This task is to provide an additional page with statistics and charts about the data in the region.
The following graphs / stats would be interesting:
- How many days is Paraguay behind xx (mayb…
pA1nD updated
4 years ago
Like we have countries at the bottom, I'd prefer to have also unified data; like the addition of all Chinese provinces as a single row 'China' or likewise. Having Chinese provinces is fine, but ever m…
My family and I are regular users of the [microcovid.org](http://microcovid.org/) calculator and are confused about what we’re seeing under location data.
Numbers have been steadily declinin…
Has anyone noticed the error in France (the one with no Province/State entry), which for 13/4/2020 had 136,779 and for 14/4/2020 has 130,253.
This happens in the time_series_covid19_confirmed_globa…
Dear IHME team,
I work for an AI company and we are interested in building an AI platform that collects information from several influential epidemiological models that have been used to make fore…
I've seen this great work on LOD public list and want to contribute.
I've seen this dataset from ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control) https://data.europa.eu/euodp/en/data/da…
Dear JHU,
We can see large revision (since 02/22/2021 period) for time series "Canada: Number Of Deaths" (all provinces aggragetion) here in todays update:
The covidcast package (and perhaps the API?) does not recognize AS, GU, MP, or VI, but these jurisdictions (as well as the Diamond Princess) are reported in the [JHU data](https://github.com/CSSEGISan…
Can you please use international format for dates? My Italian excel is getting crazy to interpret your data... We are not in 1800.
A lot of us have spent much time building software based on the current structure, Some tedious work arounds because the databse did not stay consistent or separate all information into separate fiel…